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What You Must Do To Get Rid Of Sleep Apnea

May 24

What You Must Do To Get Rid Of Sleep Apnea

Sleep disorders are a common, but often unrecognized, class of health problems that cause widespread problems for millions of people. Sleep apnea is one common disorder that is caused by blocked airways during the night. This leads to snoring, tiredness, headaches, and other problems. For some effective treatments, keep reading this article.

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Excessive weight is a primary cause of sleep apnea for many people. Losing even a few pounds can make a big difference. Exercising and following a regular weight loss plan is the best strategy. Carbohydrate restriction has been shown to help people lose weight in recent studies as well.


Start sleeping on your side. When you sleep on your back and have sleep apnea, your airway gets block by your tongue and throat tissues. To avoid rolling onto your back once you are asleep, try sleeping with pillows cushioning your side. This helps prevent you from turning onto your back.


When dealing with sleep apnea it is best to keep a regular sleeping schedule. Your condition is already disrupting your nightly sleep cycle. This is why it is important to maintain a consistent sleep pattern, which will eliminate sleepiness in the day. The key is to have a set time for going to bed, and rising as well.


You should take your CPAP machine everywhere you will be spending the night. Do not leave it at home. You should never sleep without using your CPAP machine. You should have a travel bag for your machine. This will help ease transporting your CPAP machine if you must be away.


Try and lose weight because it will help you deal with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is correlated with being fat and having a large neck. If you shed some pounds you will see that your airways will not be as constricted.


If you use a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea, sleep with it every night. When you take the mask off at night, your symptoms will return. Sometimes they might disappear for one or two nights, but then return. Wearing the mask every night prevents episodes of sleep apnea from occurring.


If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP when you sleep at night, do not neglect your filters. It can be easy to forget about this, but you need to make sure your machine operates at maximum efficiency. Wash your reusable filter at least every week, and replace your white pollen filter at least once a month.


The CPAP machine is a common medical device, used by millions of people. Do not be self-conscious about it. Inform people you are using it so you don't feel awkward when you need to bring it out when other people are around. You have to use your CPAP machine or else you might not get a solid night's rest, so everyone you know should understand.


Sleep apnea can be an annoying and potentially dangerous sleep disorder, but the good news is that there are effective ways of treating it. You do not just have to accept that you will never sleep well at night. By using the tips in the preceding article, you can find safe, effective relief from this problem.